Friday, May 31, 2013

Graffiti and War

Graffiti can portray many messages but one message that I think graffiti can and has been used to help is the idea or peace and war. This piece below by Banksy provided a key message showing soldiers painting a peace sign. The message that I retrieved from this was that even most soldiers want peace between sides and that the majority of the time there is no need for such violent events. 

I also found a project named The Graffiti of War project, which is essentially a project to enable soldiers of war a chance to tell there story and explain there experiences through graffiti and art. The idea of this project is to portray a different side of the war, a side and perspective that can be seen only through the eyes of the soldiers. The URL for this video is!

Below is several images that was a part of this project and all of these have powerful images associated with the Iraq war. 

Bibliography Sources!

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