Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tattoo's & Graffiti: Art?

The questions some people ask is whether activities such as graffiti and tattoo's are and should be classified as art. I find this mind blowing and the question was slightly answered in class on Wednesday but I can't believe that this question is even asked. Is the sky blue? Yes. Is a circle round? Yes. These answers are not subjective and based on opinion, they are all facts and the answer is whether these different forms of art, are art is essentially a factual answer. The criticism of these forms of art is people who are scared of art moving forward and creating new and different branches that could develop art and encourage different sectors of society to be involved and thrive through art.

 For example, both of these are forms of art, one being a graffiti piece of a lion and the other being a tattoo of a lion. The tattoo is personal to me as it is mine and lions can mean different things to different people: strength, courage, power or authority. But the amazing thing about art is we can all interpret and use different art forms and have our own opinion on them. But the one subjective piece is that these different forms of art is most certainly art.

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