Thursday, May 30, 2013

Philadelphia: A city of art

Today brought an interesting experience in Philadelphia. A city that, as an international student, is not known for its art anywhere else in the world was surprisingly buzzing with beautiful art pieces. The Philadelphia Mural arts program was one of the most successful and powerful art programs I have seen.

A self guided tour led us to first receive a small speech on the history and the development of the mural arts program, leading to a tour around several mural art pieces surrounding Philadelphia. A key message that I retrieved from the first speech was that all the mural art pieces are picked specifically to fit individual neighborhoods and that the program works closely with neighborhoods to ensure they are comfortable with the murals in there neighborhood.

The most interesting story heard today for me was the mural of Dr. J. and even though we didn't see this particular mural, the story of the artist intrigued me. The fact that the artist wanted Dr. J. to be portrayed in a suit shows a key message that artists want to portray to the children within the city of Philadelphia, that individuals are more than what they appear to be.

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